Saint Francis School, Boisar, is a Catholic minority institution started in year 2007 and is owned and managed by the Assisi Convent Educational Society Etah Uttar Pradesh, a subsidiary of Franciscan Clarist Congregation. The aim of the School is to form 'NEW PERSON’ who works towards the establishment of a just and humane society.
It holds fast to the principle that a human being is a positive asset and a precious national resource which needs to be cherished, nurtured and developed with tenderness, coupled with dynamism. It strives to shape persons who are intellectually competent morally sound, psychologically integrated and imbued with the sense of the Divine. Committed to the cause of justice and peace and ever opened to further growth.
It tries to create a human society, free from Prejudices superstitious and discrimination based on sex, religion, caste and economic status.The society envisioned by the school is characterized the dignity of human person that shows respect to each other especially, the underprivileged. In view of these goals the school expects the students, parents and teachers to share this vision and to co-operate with management to make it a reality.
We believe and uphold, the sublime principal of vasudhaiva kuntumbakam, "the word is one family". Hence, the school stands and promotes the concept of universal brotherhood, Caste, creed, colour, race and nationality should by no means be barriers to our onward march towards human brotherhood. The goal of education at St.Francis is to light up the lamp of wisdom within the students.