Education is the most powerful weapon which
you can use to change the world.

      Saint Francis School, Boisar, is a Catholic minority institution started in year 2007 and is owned and managed by the Assisi Convent Educational Society Etah Uttar Pradesh, a subsidiary of Franciscan Clarist Congregation. The aim of the School is to form 'NEW PERSON’ who works towards the establishment of a just and humane society.
It holds fast to the principle that a human being is a positive asset and a precious national resource which needs to be cherished, nurtured and developed with tenderness, coupled with dynamism. It strives to shape persons who are intellectually competent morally sound, psychologically integrated and imbued with the sense of the Divine. Committed to the cause of justice and peace and ever opened to further growth.
It tries to create a human society, free from Prejudices superstitious and discrimination based on sex, religion, caste and economic status.

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       A successful graduate is intellectually competent and masters those academic subjects required for the respective public (CBSE) examination. S/he needs to have mastery over skills of language, critical thinking and power of expression both oral and written. The School gradually leads the students to greater precision in personal style, curiosity to explore ideas, new initiatives and creativity. Students need enjoy learning and take pride and ownership in his /her work. S/he values the dignity of labor and has civic sense and realistic aspiration.

       In school curriculum developing moral attitude and principles remains a top priority, especially the values stressed in the preamble to the constitution of India- justice liberty, equality and fraternity. A successful graduate has to aim at translating moral Judgments into moral action. S/he must have mature reasons for making a moral decision.

       A graduate of the St. Francis School has to Become aware of God's presence and action in creation, in human history and in his/her own personal history. S/he has to experience moments of God's love in his /her personal life. S/he has to acquire appropriate knowledge of the basic doctrines of his/her faith. In view of obtaining spiritual maturity, the graduate is exposed to religious traditions other than his her own. The graduate is made aware of the significance of the main religious festivals in the country. S/he has to learn the need of healing by reconciliation with ones neighbors and God.

       Catholic students who are enrolled into the school will have to read the Holy Bible daily so as to encounter the person of Christ as presented in Holy Bible. S/he should have the basic knowledge of Church's teaching about Jesus and His redeeming mission. S/he has to establish a personal relationship with the historical person Jesus Christ. Moreover, s/he must have familiarity with Church's teaching on social justice. S/he needs to appreciate the importance of the Holy Eucharist and other Sacraments in the life of the Christian community and participate in them meaningfully.

An Academic Community

      An Academic Community that is characterized by a shared vision, collective responsibility, mutual understanding and respect for all human beings as children of God. In view of improving the academic caliber of its staff and students professional, academic and spiritual inputs are given at regular intervals. Read More....

Student Integral Growth

      Opportunities are provided to all students without any discrimination, to develop their imagination, creativity, aesthetic sense, communication skills and sporting spirit. Value education imparted in the school takes into account various steps in the process of value-internalization.Read More....

Willingness to Serve

      In the process of education a realistic knowledge of society with its opportunities for human development as well social evils, is gradually imparted to the students. Students are provided with opportunities to come into contact with the poor and to develop a willingness serve to them. Read More....

Education Policy

      The education policy of the school is based on a specific vision of man and society. The Management, students, staff and parents attached to the school are to work towards the realization of this vision. The School, by visualizing an integral transformation, helps its students to grow in commitment and devotion. Read More....
